A Box, Indied Spring Theory

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Mars-boxen av A box, Indied Spring Theory innehöll lack från Black cat lacquer, Contrary Polish, CrowsToes, Fair Maiden Polish & Girly Bits.

Spring Theory
Black Cat Lacquer Eggcellent
Spring Theory
Black Cat Lacquer Eggcellent
Spring Theory
Contrary Polish Read My Tulips
Spring Theory
Contrary Polish Read My Tulips
Spring Theory
CrowsToes Mad As A March Hare over Contrary Polish Read My Tulips
Spring Theory
CrowsToes Mad As A March Hare over Contrary Polish Read My Tulips
Spring Theory
CrowsToes Mad As A March Hare
Spring Theory
Fair Maiden Polish Going Off the Peep End
Spring Theory
Fair Maiden Polish Going Off the Peep End
Spring Theory
Fair Maiden Polish Going Off the Peep End
Spring Theory
Girly bits Sprout and about. A box, Indied exclusive
Spring Theory
Girly bits Sprout and about.

Namnet ”A box, Indied” är kanske lite missvisande då det numera inte är en regelrätt box. Förr kom dessa i en speciell box men inte längre. A box, indied är i alla fall ett samarbete mellan indiemärkena Black Cat Lacquer, Colors by llarowe, Contrary Polish, CrowsToes, KBShimmer, Bear Pawlish, Takko, Girly Bits, Fair Maiden, Bear Pawlish, ILNP och Darling Diva Polish. Nu var det ganska länge sedan jag slog till på en ”box” men jag tog i alla fall och klickade hem månadens box för mars 2016, Spring Theory, som innehöll lacken ovan. Mina favoriter den här gången var hololacken från Fair Maiden Polish och Girly Bits samt lacket från Black Cat Lacquer.

Läs också:  Orange nagellack, denna veckan har en temafärg!

The March box of A box, Indied Spring Theory contained polishes from Black cat lacquer, Contrary Polish, CrowsToes, Fair Maiden Polish & Girly Bits.

The name ”A box, Indied” gives the feeling of the polishes coming in a box. They don’t anymore but they did before. A box, Indied is a collaboration between the indie makers Black Cat Lacquer, Colors by llarowe, Contrary Polish, CrowsToes, KBShimmer, Bear Pawlish, Takko, Girly Bits, Fair Maiden, Bear Pawlish, ILNP and Darling Diva Polish. It’s been a while since I last bought A box, Indied but I did decided to buy the March box Spring Theory, that contained the polishes shown above. I think my favourites this time was the holos from Fair Maiden Polish and Girly bits and the polish from Black Cat Lacquer.

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You have the perfect nails!

Have a great day,

Åsa Lindberg
Indie och mainstream.

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