Daisy Beauty Expo 2017 – Mässdagen

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Igår var det dags för Daisy Beauty Expo 2017. Eller rättare sagt, expo delen av Daisy Beauty Expo 2017. I år pågick evangemanget nämligen i dagarna två. I fredags var det seminarier. Jag kunde tyvärr inte närvara på fredagen. Däremot besökte jag självklart expon igår.

Daisy Beauty Expo 2017
The program for Daisy Beauty Expo 2017with a map over the expo and my name tag from yesterday.
Daisy Beauty Expo 2017
I started my day by visiting the flowery room of Garnier.
Daisy Beauty Expo 2017
Akademikliniken where there and presented their new vitamin C serum from Akademikliniken Skincare.
Daisy Beauty Expo 2017
At Cinq Mõndes I was given a hand spa with their products.
Daisy Beauty Expo 2017
Cinq Mõndes had also decorated their space with beautiful flowers.
Daisy Beauty Expo 2017
A lot of the brands at at expo had cupcakes, macaroons and other sweets for those interested. This pretty cupcakes could be found at the room of Ellos/Makiash.
Daisy Beauty Expo 2017
Ellos Beauty. I’ve tried their nail polishes before. Yesterday I got some more products to try.
Daisy Beauty Expo 2017
Sense of KARMA from Ellos. In the Sense of KARMA line they have both beauty products as well as Yoga clothes. I got a tee yesterday and I’m using it this very moment. It’s really comfy.
Daisy Beauty Expo 2017
Makiash. I’ve tried some nail polishes from Makiash before (their Sunset Boulevard trio) and their nail polish remover. Their dip-in nail polish remover is great! I actually have a lot more Makiash products at home but I haven’t had time to try them yet.
Daisy Beauty Expo 2017
Lacoste L.12.12 Pour Elle Magnetic and L12.12 Pour Lui Magnetic. The female and the male scent have some notes incommon (violets etc) and then their are some flowery notes added to the female scent and juniper amongst other in the male scent. The bottles have the same logo as the Lacoste pikéshirt.
Daisy Beauty Expo 2017
Escada’s summer limited edition scent is celebrating 25 years and this years scent Escada Fiesta Carioca is inspired by the carnival in Rio. The box of the summer limited edition perfume usually have a drawing of one girl that’s the symbol of the scent. This years box instead have a lot of girls from earlier years to celebrate 25 years. The scent have passion fruit, Passionflower and raspberry notes. I loved this fresh and bubbly scent. Feels like the perfect summer perfume. I never bought any of the Escada summer scents but I’m quite sure I will this year.
Daisy Beauty Expo 2017
Dior Colour Gradiation. As usually I feel in love with the new look from Dior. This spring the look is called Colur Gradiation and the products are designed with a beautiful colour gradiation. The blush looks like a sunset. And oh of course I love all of the Dior Vernis in the look.
Daisy Beauty Expo 2017
Dior also have a new scent. The Dior Poison Girl EdT. Last year they released a EdP and this year it’s the EdT. The EdT is a bit lighter than the EdP.
Daisy Beauty Expo 2017
Derma ProMedical showed Tebiskin in a laboratory setting.
Daisy Beauty Expo 2017
At Yves Rocher I did a skin analyziz. That’s always a bit scary but I was happy to hear that I had no wrinkles, great skin elasticity and a good moisture level.
Daisy Beauty Expo 2017
Some of the products from Yves Rocher.
Daisy Beauty Expo 2017
Some of the makeup products from the Swedish brand Palina. Palina is now releasing skincare as well. They will be starting with 8 products and then during the year more products will come. The skincare products sounds really interesting. I’ve gotten some to try.
Daisy Beauty Expo 2017
L’Oréal had the loveliest room. It was designed as a Parisian apartment. Oh and did I say it came with a champagne sipping girl in a robe? They really had gone all the way with their decor.
Daisy Beauty Expo 2017
Botnicals is a new hair care line from L’Oréal. All natural and the bottles are made from recycled bottles.
Daisy Beauty Expo 2017
L’Oréal is changing all of their cleanser and are coming out with a lot of new cleansers. Here are some of them.
Daisy Beauty Expo 2017
L’Oréal Pure Clay cleansers.
Daisy Beauty Expo 2017
A bath tub in L’Oréal’s room.
Daisy Beauty Expo 2017
Mette Picaut was there and showed a whole new M Picaut product. A night mask. I also got a chance to check out here body care products that was released this fall. I haven’t had time to check them out yet. I’m really curious to try all of these.

Daisy Beauty Expo 2017- Expon

Jag kan väl börja med att tala om att jag hade en fantastistisk dag igår. Daisy Beauty Expo brukar vara årets höjdpunkt. Jag är säker på att Daisy Beauty Expo 2017 inte kommer att vara något undantag. Men det är så klart svårt att säga något säkert då vi faktiskt bara befinner oss alldelse i början av året än.

Läs också:  Apoliva Revamped Makeup - Första Intrycket

På plats igår var ett stort gäng av härliga bloggare och journalistter. Så roligt att få en chans att mingla och prata lite med alla som man kanske inte ser så ofta annars. På plats var även massor med sponsorer. Alla sponsorer var som vanligt otroligt hjälpsamma och trevliga. Så härligt att få en chans att prata lite mer med alla märken. Särskilt när de som var på plats var så kunniga och hjälpsamma. Har de inte svar på dina frågor på en gång är det aldrig något problem att höra av sig med sina frågor via e-post senare. Många av varumärkena var sådana som deltagit på de tidigare årens Daisy Beauty Expo men det var även några spännande märken som inte varit med tidigare år.

Som vanligt så fanns det förutom möjligheten att mingla och lära sig mer om de olika märkena och produkterna även möjlighet att få håret stylat, bli sminkad, få naglarna fixade och göra olika behandlingar. Jag gjorde ingen behandling igår men däremot passade jag på att bli lite sminkad av Dior:s Susanna Medina Lopez. Jag fick även handspa hos Cinq Mõndes. Håret passade jag på att styla hos Toni & Guy.

Bästa på Daisy Beauty 2017

Utan inbördes ordning:

Läs också:  Daisy Beauty Expo 2017 Mässan

Sedan var det trevligt att prata med alla andra märken också och ni kommer så klart att få veta mer om olika nyheter från sponsorerna allt eftersom. Just nu får ni nöja er med den här korta recapen för gårdagen var rolig men den tog på krafterna. Jag hade dessutom haft en ganska stressig vecka så nu är jag helt slut. Men som sagt fantastiskt nöjd med Daisy Beauty Expo 2017.

Hos Kicki, Krizz, Camilla, Hilde, Sofie, Frida, Linnea och Linda kan ni/kommer ni kunna läsa mer om Daisy Beauty 2017.


Daisy Beauty Expo 2017- The expo

I can start by saying that I had a wonderful time yesterday. Daisy Beauty Expo usually is the highlight of the year. I’m sure that Daisy Beauty Expo 2017 will be too. But of course I can’t say for certain since we’re just in the beginning of 2017.

At the expo where a lot of bloggers and journalists. So fun to get a chance to mingle and talk to everyone since there are those I don’t meet that often. Of course there where a lot of sponsors as well. All of the sponsors where nice and helpful as usual. It’s so fun to get a chance to talk a bit more with all of the brands. Especially when everyone comes prepared and ready to answer any question you might have. If they can’t answer they are always happy to answer your questions by mail. A lot of the brands where brands that been to the earlier years Daisy beauty Expos but there where also some interesting new brands.

As usual you could also get your hair, makeup and nails done at the expo as well as different kind of skincare treatments. I didn’t do any treatments but I did have a hand spa at Cinq Mõndes had some makeup done by Dior’s makeup artist Susanna Medina Lopez. I got my hair styled by Toni & Guy.

Best at Daisy Beauty 2017

Without any specifik order

Of course it was nice to talk to all other sponsors as well and I will tell you about the product new in time. Right now you will have to settle for this short recap of yesterdays event. It was a fun but intense day and I had a stressful week so now I’m beaten. But as I said I’m so happy with Daisy Beauty Expo 2017.

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Wow, such a cool event!!!
Kisses, Paola.

Åsa Lindberg
Indie och mainstream.

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