Essie Gel couture Ballet Nudes collection

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Essie Gel couture Ballet Nudes collection släpptes i början av året och innehåller sex fina, men inte så spännande, lack i Essies Gel Couture formula som ska hålla i upp till tolv dagar om de används tillsammans med gel couture top coat.

Ballet Nudes collection Ballet Nudes collection

Ballet Nudes collection
Essie Gel Couture Satin Slipper
Ballet Nudes collection
Essie Gel Couture Satin Slipper
Ballet Nudes collection
Essie Gel Couture Lace Me Up
Ballet Nudes collection
Essie Gel Couture Lace Me Up
Ballet Nudes collection
Essie Gel Couture Hold The Position
Ballet Nudes collection
Essie Gel Couture Hold The Position
Ballet Nudes collection
Essie Gel Couture At the Barre
Ballet Nudes collection
Essie Gel Couture At the Barre
Ballet Nudes collection
Essie Gel Couture Perfect Posture
Ballet Nudes collection
Essie Gel Couture Perfect Posture
Ballet Nudes collection
Essie Gel Couture Closing Night
Ballet Nudes collection
Essie Gel Couture Closing Night

Balett Nudes är en lite för mähäig kollektion för min smak men jag vet att många älskar den här typen av färger så de säljer säkert bra. Och jag tycker att några av dem är riktigt fina. At the Barre och Closing Night gillade jag faktiskt förvånansvärt mycket.

Step into your satin slipper and meet me at the barre – let’s dance a pirouette or two before closing night. When the curtain is drawn and the spotlight is on. Hold the position with perfect posture like a prima ballerina. Whether you lace me up or lace me down, my ballet nudes look on pointe.”

Ballet Nudes lacken känns perfekta till studenten eller sommarens bröllop. Eller för den som vill ha en fin naturlig manikyr som inte sticker ut så mycket. Essie har även tillsammans med bröllopsdesignern Monique Lhuiller släppt en bröllopskollektion i gel couture formulan som Hilde har bloggat om här.

Läs också:  Mani and Lola February 2019

Alla swatches ovan är tre tunna lager för att få de ljusa lacken i Ballet Nudes kollektionen helt täckande. Alla lacken är lätta och trevliga att lacka.

Essie Gel Couture lacken kostar ca 149 kr/st.

Essie Gel couture Ballet Nudes collection was released in the beginning of this year and contains six pretty but not very interesting shades in the Essies Gel Couture polish formula that’s suppose to last up to two weeks if you use the gel couture top coat.

Balett Nudes is a bit too boring collection for my taste but I know that a lot of people love this kind of shades so I’m sure they are selling. And I do think that some of them are really nice. I actually was surprised by how much I liked At the Barre and Closing Night.


Step into your satin slipper and meet me at the barre – let’s dance a pirouette or two before closing night. When the curtain is drawn and the spotlight is on. Hold the position with perfect posture like a prima ballerina. Whether you lace me up or lace me down, my ballet nudes look on pointe.”


The Ballet Nudes feels like perfect colors for summer weddings. Or for anyone that likes a pretty manicure that doesn’t make much noise.Essie also have collaborated with the wedding dress designer Monique Lhuiller and released a bridal collection in the gel couture formula. Hilde have blogged about that collection here.

Läs också:  Pink Wednesday med Pink Ribbon nails

All the swathes above are three thin coats cause the polishes in the Ballet Nudes collection are all very light shades. All of them are nice and easy to work with,


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The colors are so pretty! I need to try more gel formulas 🙂

Åsa Lindberg
Indie och mainstream.

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