Powder Perfect skapade sin Promise Duo. Lacken säljs enbart ihop och duon kostar 31 CAD varav 2 CAD går till Pencils of Promise. Pencils of Promise startade med att grundare frågade en pojke i Indien som tiggde på gatan vad han mest av allt önskade sig i världen. Han svarade ”en penna”. Vilket han fick. Ja så började det hela. Nu har Pencils of Promises byggt 363 skolor sedan 2009.
Pencils of Promise Founding Story
It began with a question. A small boy begging in the streets of India. “What do you want most in the world?”
“A pencil,” he replied.I reached into my backpack, handed him my pencil, and watched as a wave of possibility washed over him.
A smile erupted and his eyes brightened. I then saw the profound power and promise brought through something as small as giving a pencil to just one child. Over the next five years, I backpacked through more than 50 countries, handing out thousands of pens and pencils across six continents. These pencils, these small pieces of potential, led to powerful conversations with local parents and children across countless cultures and languages. From years of listening to their words, it became clear that there was a need for an international nonprofit that was led on-the-ground by a staff of locals from within each country, required village participation in each school, and deeply supported, trained and tracked each student to ensure their success. These are the guidelines on which PoP was founded in October 2008.
Känns inte det som det perfekta projektet att donera till i augusti, just i tid för skolstarten?
Lacken i Powder Perfect:s Promise Duo var Profund Promise ett äppelgrönt holografiskt lack och Magic of Imagination som är ett knalligt rosa jelly lack med massor med holografiskt mikroglitter.
Jag gillar verkligen båda dessa riktigt knalliga lack. Jag blir glad av dem och förhoppningsvis bidrar försäljningen av the Promise Duo till att fler barn får möjlighet att gå i skolan och få en utbildning.
Powder Perfect created the Promise duo. The polishes are only sold together for 31 CAD from which 2 CAD goes to the Pencils of Promise foundation. Pencils of Promise started with the founder meeting a small boy begging for money on the streets of India and asked him what he wanted most in life. A pencil he replied. Which he got. Well that is how it started. Now Pencils of Promises has built 363 schools since 2009.
Pencils of Promise Founding Story
It began with a question. A small boy begging in the streets of India. “What do you want most in the world?”
“A pencil,” he replied.I reached into my backpack, handed him my pencil, and watched as a wave of possibility washed over him.
A smile erupted and his eyes brightened. I then saw the profound power and promise brought through something as small as giving a pencil to just one child. Over the next five years, I backpacked through more than 50 countries, handing out thousands of pens and pencils across six continents. These pencils, these small pieces of potential, led to powerful conversations with local parents and children across countless cultures and languages. From years of listening to their words, it became clear that there was a need for an international nonprofit that was led on-the-ground by a staff of locals from within each country, required village participation in each school, and deeply supported, trained and tracked each student to ensure their success. These are the guidelines on which PoP was founded in October 2008.
Isn’t that just the perfect charity to be giving to in back to school times?
The polishes in the Powder Perfect Promise Duo are Profound Promise a apple green holo polish and Magic of Imagination a hot pink jelly with lots of holographic micro glitters in it.
I really like both of these really vivid polishes. I get happy just by looking at them. And hopefully the duos sold will help some kid get the opportunity to go to school and get an education.
Love these fun colors!
Le Stylo Rouge
I love them too. 🙂
Jättebra att det bidrar till att fler får möjlighet till utbildning!!
Ja det är verkligen toppen. 🙂
Fina färger 🙂
Ja de är fantastiskt fina. 🙂
Va fint att det går till välgörenhet 🙂
Visst är det. 🙂
I’m loving that green! It looks like spring in a bottle 🙂
I know It’s wonderful! 🙂
Härligt och snygga färg
Ja de är fina 🙂
Underbart att det sker en donation i samband med nagellacksköp!!
Ja det är verkligen toppen.