Mani and Lola March 2019

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Mani and Lola March 2019 boxen vill bjuda på starka färger och innovativa formulas.

Mani and Lola March 2019 Mani and Lola March 2019 Mani and Lola March 2019

Boxen innehåller fem stycken produkter:

Make it modern this March with our Spring revival of fashion forward nail polish shades. This time of year is all about embracing change and pushing the boundaries, and your manicure should reflect just that. Think bright colours, think innovative formulas and push to reinvent yourself with this luxury Spring selection of transformative and unique hues.”

Mani and Lola March 2019 boxen var helt i min smak. Starka färger och ett hololack, o yes! Now we’re talking! Essie Back to Bright ska också bli spännande att testa. Zoya Sawyer och Essie All the wave pryder mina naglar idag och resultatet kommer upp på bloggen framöver.

Det här är min andra Mani and Lola box. Februari boxen kan ni se här.

The March 2019 box from Mani and Lola offers bright, bold colors and innovative formulas.

The box contained five products:

1. Essie back to Bright brightening spray for the nails

2. Zoya Sawyer from the Wanderlust collection

3. Essie All The Wave

4. A England The Heart Desires from 2018’s Burne-Jones Pygmalion Collection.

5. OPI Kanpai OPI! from this year’s Spring collection the Tokyo Collection

Make it modern this March with our Spring revival of fashion forward nail polish shades. This time of year is all about embracing change and pushing the boundaries, and your manicure should reflect just that. Think bright colors, think innovative formulas and push to reinvent yourself with this luxury spring selection or transformative.”

The Mani and Lola March 2019 box was completely up my alley. Bright colors and a holo polish, o yes! Now we’re talking! Essie Back to Bright will also be interesting to try. I’m wearing Zoya Sawyer and Essie All the wave from the box on my nails at this very moment. The result will be published here on the blog in the future. 

This is my second box from Mani and Lola. The February box can be seen here.

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