SBCA 2016

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I torsdags gick Swedish Beauty & Cosmetics Awards 2016 (SBCA 2016) galan av stapel i Münchenbryggeriet här i Stockholm. Jag var på plats tillsammans med delar av resten av Daisy Beauty gänget.

SBCA 2016
Swedish Beauty & Cosmetics Awards 2016
SBCA 2016
Our host for the night was the beautiful Carin Da Silva
SBCA 2016
The menu for the night
SBCA 2016
The starter.
SBCA 2016
Main course
SBCA 2016
The dessert was a delicious lemon ice cream with Limonchello filling.
SBCA 2016
Kicki Norman & Frida Selkirk
SBCA 2016
Carin Da Silva is getting the crowed started
SBCA 2016
Carin Da Silva and Kakan Hermansson
SBCA 2016
Linda Hallberg & Carin Da Silva
SBCA 2016
Carin Da Silva & Kicki Norman
SBCA 2016
The band that was playing for us and coordinating us in some Travolta moves.
SBCA 2016
Some of the nominated products on the table where you could check out all of the nominees.
SBCA 2016
And they had a photo booth! All parties should have a photo booth. It’s so much fun. Here I am with Camilla (Camelliss), Helena (Lipglossbitch) and Karin (Stilbloggen).

Jag vill börja med att be om ursäkt för de tråkiga och suddiga mobilbilderna. Min väska var alldeles för liten för att det skulle gå ner en kamera där. Det blev inte heller så många bilder för min mobil tyckte att det var en bra kväll att sluta fungera.. Jag hade en fantastisk kväll på SBCA 2016 även om kvällen började så där. Först så hade inte kläderna jag skulle ha på mig kommit fram (bort tappade av posten), sedan hade min paljettklänning sönder strumpbyxorna innan jag ens kommit fram till galan och i frustration över det lyckades jag gnugga bort min glittermanikyr från tumnageln (glitter-off lack är fantastisk om man inte gillar att ta bort glitterlack men det gäller att vara försiktig om man vill att lacket ska sitta kvar).

Läs också:  Trevlig läppduo från ILIA

Trots den mindre lyckade starten så blev det fantastiskt rolig kväll med massor med härliga människor, god mat och massor med skönhet. De var spännande att se vilka vinnarna i de olika kategorierna blev och gladast under kvällen var nog definitivt gänget från Dior som tog hem vinsten i tre av fyra kategorier som de var nominerade i. I kategorin Årets läpprodukt fick de dock se sig besegrade av YSL Volupte Tint-in-oil.

Eftersom jag älskar nagellack var jag så klart nyfiken på vilken produkt som skulle bli Årets Nagelprodukt. Vinnaren blev Essie Gel Setter Top Coat som jag faktiskt inte testa men jag antar att jag måste göra det?

I nyaste numret av Daisy Beauty som kommer i butik den 26 april kan ni läsa om alla vinnare och se vilka de nominerade var. Orkar ni inte vänta tills dess kan ni även hitta dem på Swedish Beauty & Cosmetics Awards hemsida.

Kickis blogg kan ni spana in en bild på hela team Daisy Beauty (av oss som var där) och hos Camilla hittar ni fler bilder från kvällen. Ni måste spana in Camillas skor i hennes inlägg! Så läckra.

On Thursday night it was time for the Swedish Beauty & Cosmetics Awards 2016 (SBCA 2016) gala at Münchenbryggeriet here in Stockholm. I was there with some of the others from Daisy Beauty.

I want to start by apologizing for the blurry iPhone photos. My bag for the night was to small for me to bring a camera. I didn’t get that many photos either cause my iPhone apparently thought it was a good day to decide to die… I did however have a fabulous night at SBCA 2016 even though the night was off to a ruff start. First of all the clothes that I had decided to wear for the evening got lost by the post office so I had to find a dress in my wardrobe, then the sequin dress I wore ripped my tights before I even got to the gala. In my frustration over that I managed to rub the manicure off my thumb nail (glitter-off base coats are great if you don’t have the patience it takes to remove glitter polish they do however require that you are a bit careful with your nails if you want the manicure to last).

Despite the not so successful start it turned out to be a great night together with a bunch of amazing people, nice food and a lot of beauty. It was interesting to find out which product that would win each category and the Dior team was definitely the happiest there that night after winning three of the four categories that they where nominated in. They had to find them self defeated in the category for best lip product of the year though. That price went to YSL Volupte Tint-in-oil. 

Since I love nail polish I was of course eager to find out which product that would be The best nail product of the year. The winner was Essie Gel Setter Top Coat that I actually haven’t tried. I guess I need to do that now?

At Kicki’s blog you can check out a photo of the entire Daisy Beauty crew at the gala and at Camilla’s blog you’ll also find more photos from the night. You have to check out Camilla’s heels in here post. They are amazing!

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Mmm, salmon!


Åh så fin du ser ut! Trots all strul, på en och samma gång, blää!!! Men vilken lyckad glammig kväll, precis som det ska va! 🙂

cat eyes & skinny jeans

What an incredible event!


Amanda Mércuri


Parece ter sido um evento maravilhoso!

Ótimo domingo!

Beijo! ^^


Such a cool event!!!!
I love your new blog babe!!!!!
Kisses, Paola.


My Facebook

Beauty Unearthly

Lovely blog dear! Have a great week! xx


A new blog layout, so nice! Wow, such an event, it’s amazing to know which products were the best during the year! The food looked so good, for me, especially the dessert!!!!! I want to try it so much! The photos are good, don’t worry for them being made by the phone. Nut the tights and nail polish off your thumb was bad, I grant! Nevertheless, I think you had a great time!

Åsa Lindberg
Indie och mainstream.

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