Söndagsfix med lite kbeauty tema

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Igår ägnade vi oss åt söndagafix med lite kbeauty tema. Det vill säga en liten skönhetsritual för att få ett lugnt, avkopplande avslut på veckan och bli redo för den kommande veckan.


Hur mitt söndagafix ser ut är lite olika men igår var det som sagt lite kbeauty tema med två olika koreanska masker och sedan på med en nattmask innan läggdags. Jag startade med Too Cool For School Egg Mousse pack. Egg Mousse pack är en tjock härlig mousse (känns lite som raklödder) som appliceras med torra händer på torrt ansiktet och masseras in under några minuter. Sedan sköljs masken av.Efter den blev det fuktgivande sheet mask. Jag körde med härliga Leaders H20h My Gosh! Maken fick testa Mimiang Animal Seal Aqua mask. Medans maskerna fick verka (15-20 min) passade jag på att smörja in hela kroppen med The Body Shop Almond Milk and Honey Body Butter. Fötterna fick en omgång Neat Feet Foot & Heal Balm.

När sheetmasksen suttit på i 20 minuter och bestämde sig för att börja ramla av tog vi av maskerna och masserade in resterna av masken i ansiktet. Jag tog och avslutade med Estée Edit Pink Peony Overnight Water Pack innan läggdags.

Sedan skrubbades läpparna med Dior Addict Lip Sugar Scrub för att sedan få sig ett ordentligt lager av LipGlam.

Läs också:  Fuktbomba huden med The Moisturising Bomb Facial Mask

Brukar ni ta hand om er själva och er hud lite extra inför en ny vecka?

Yesterday we did some Sunday pampering with a bit of Kbeauty theme. That is we had a nice home spa ritual as a relaxing end to the weekend and to prepare for the week to come. 

My Sunday pampering differs from week to week but this time there where some kbeauty on the menu. I used two different Korean masks and then a sleeping pack before bedtime. I started with Too Cool For School Egg Mousse pack. Egg Mousse pack is a thick creamy mousse (feels a bit like a shaving cream) that’s applied with dry hands on to dry skin. You massage it on to your face for a couple of minutes and then rinse it off. 

Then in was time for a hydrating sheet mask. My choice this time was the lovely Leaders H20h My Gosh! Hubby got ho try Mimiang Animal Seal Aqua mask. While the sheet masks where on (15-20 min) I took the time to take care of my body with The Body Shop Almond Milk and Honey Body Butter. Our feet got a good talking care of with Neat Feet Foot & Heal Balm.

When the sheet masks had been on for 20 minutes and started to fall off by themselves we decided to take them off and pat the remaining essence in to our skin. I used  Estée Edit Pink Peony Overnight Water Pack as a last step before bedtime. The it was time to give the lips a little bit of tender loving care with Dior Addict Lip Sugar Scrub and top it off with a good amount of LipGlam.

Läs också:  Lumene Lähde Hydration Recovery Oxygenating Gel Mask

Do you take a little extra care of yourself and your skin before the new week starts?

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Partner goals right there! I do masks with my significant other as well =))


There was a time I used to do so, to have masks, etc. Now I do something better on Sundays, but not like before. I liked that you and your husband did it together, pampering is so good! I would like to try the egg mousse pack, it seems to be excellent! And also, the Leaders H20h My Gosh mask! It all sounds so good! Hope you have a nice day!


Haha, what a perfect photo!

Almost Stylish


Sunday is the perfect day for pampering! The Egg Mousse sounds intriguing 🙂


I love that you added your hubby into the post 🙂 xx

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