Spotted in line

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Spotted in line var sommarkollektionen från Depend 02. Under min semester lekte jag runt lite med den här fantastiskt fina kollektionen. Depend hade verkligen lyckats med sina sommarkollektioner i år. Nu ser jag verkligen fram emot att leka runt lite med höstkollektionerna men innan jag gör det tänkte jag att jag skulle vissa de här fina lacken som jag hittills bara visat på Instagram.

spotted in line
From left to right: 549, 550, 551, 552, 553, 554, 555, 556, 557, 558, 559 & 560
spotted in line
spotted in line
spotted in line
spotted in line
spotted in line
spotted in line
spotted in line
spotted in line
spotted in line
spotted in line
spotted in line
spotted in line
spotted in line
550 and 552
spotted in line
552 and 553

spotted in line

spotted in line
spotted in line
spotted in line
spotted in line
spotted in line
554 and 555
spotted in line

spotted in line

spotted in line
550 and 551

Spotted in line kollektionen består av totalt 12 läckra färger som är fantastiskt roliga att experimentera runt med. Fina som de är och fina att kombinera.

Depends 02 lack kostar 29 kr/st så de är billiga också. Förvisso är flaskorna små men det passar mig väldigt bra. Eftersom jag gillar att byta färg ofta så finns det inte att jag gör slut på ett vanligt nagellack. Det har faktiskt aldrig hänt. Då är det perfekt med dessa lite mindre flaskor.

Spotted in line was this years summer collection from Depend 02. During my vacation I played around a little with this amazingly beautiful collection. Depend have really succeeded with their summer collections this year. Now I’m really looking forward to play around a with the autumn collections, but before I do that, I thought we’d have a look at these nice polishes that I’ve only shown on Instagram so far.

The spotted in line collection consists of a total of 12 delicious colors that are amazingly fun to experiment around with. Fine as they are and nice to combine.

Depends 02 Lack costs 29 kr / st so they are cheap too. Certainly, the bottles are small but it suits me very well. Because I like to change color often, I do not end a regular nail polish. It has actually never happened. Then it’s perfect with these little smaller bottles.

Läs också:  Depend minilack Club Style
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