URBAN DECAY Alice Through The Looking Glass Eyeshadow Palette

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URBAN DECAY Alice Through The Looking Glass Eyeshadow Palette är UD:s senaste palett och ett samarbete med Disney’s Alice i Underlandet film. Den är dessutom sagolikt vackert!

Alice Through The Looking Glass
Top of the box
Alice Through The Looking Glass
Bottom of the box
Alice Through The Looking Glass
Front of the box that say: ”I know who I was when I got up this morning , but I must have changes several times since then.”
Alice Through The Looking Glass
The palette closed
Alice Through The Looking Glass
The colors in the palette. The columns represent different characters. Fromt left ro right: Alice, Madhatter, Mirana, Iracebeth & Time.
Alice Through The Looking Glass
The palette open
Alice Through The Looking Glass
The mirror in the lid that say: We’re all mad here
Alice Through The Looking Glass
Inside is another box that say: I’m not strange, weird, off, nor crazy, my reality is just different from yours.
Alice Through The Looking Glass
When you open the doors to the box inside the palette you find a butterfly
Alice Through The Looking Glass
The butterfly
Alice Through The Looking Glass
close up on the butterfly
Alice Through The Looking Glass
The palette comes with a double sided brush
Alice Through The Looking Glass
Top row of the palette swatched with included brush without primer. From left to right: Hatter, Lily, Heads will roll, Time. Realized that I had cut out Looking glass… Sorry about that but it wasn’t noticeable on my arm so I didn’t see that I had cut it out of the photo.
Alice Through The Looking Glass
Top row of the palette swatched with included brush with UD primer potion. From left to right: Looking Glass, Hatter, Lily, Heads will roll, Time.
Alice Through The Looking Glass
Second row of the palette swatched with included brush without primer. Reflection, Gone Mad, Dutchess, Bandersnatch, Dream On.
Alice Through The Looking Glass
Second row of the palette swatched with included brush with UD primer potion. Reflection, Gone Mad, Dutchess, Bandersnatch, Dream On.
Alice Through The Looking Glass
Third row of the palette swatched with included brush without primer. Dormouse, Paradox, Kingdom, Salazen Grum. Chronosphere,
Alice Through The Looking Glass
Third row of the palette swatched with included brush with UD primer potion. Dormouse, Paradox, Kingdom, Salazen Grum. Chronosphere,
Alice Through The Looking Glass
Forth row of the palette swatched with included brush without primer. Metamorphoses, Cake, Chessboard, Royal Flush, Mirror
Alice Through The Looking Glass
Forth row of the palette swatched with included brush with UD primer potion. Metamorphoses, Cake, Chessboard, Royal Flush, Mirror

Så fort jag fick veta att UD:s Alice Through The Looking Glass paletten fanns att beställa från Selfridge (tack Hilde) var jag självklart tvungen att klicka hem den. Jag älskar UD:s ögonskuggor och den här paletten är helt fantastiskt vacker! Skuggorna är fina men pigmenteringen är tyvärr lite varierande. Jag skulle rekommendera att man använder en primer under för att verkligen få färgerna att poppa. Jag har inte hunnit testa paletten på riktigt än men jag ville visa upp den här skönheten genast. Tyvärr tror jag inte att palette kommer att säljas i Sverige men det är jag inte säker på så om någon vet något annat får ni gärna hojta till.

Läs också:  Möt WetBrush Treatment And Shine - hårborsten som har fått mig att avsluta ett 10 årigt äktenskap

URBAN DECAY Alice Through The Looking Glass Eyeshadow Palette is UD’s latest palette and a collaboration with Disney’s Alice in Wonderland. It’s also like a fairytale to look at!

As soon as I found out that it was available at Selfridge (thank you Hilde) I had to order it. I love UD’s eyeshadows and this palette is so beautiful! The eyeshadows are lovely but the pigmentation differs a bit between colors. I would suggest using a primer underneath them to get them to really pop. I haven’t had time to do any makeup with this yet but I just had to show you this beauty right the way. Unfortunately I don’t think it will be available here in Sweden.


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cat eyes & skinny jeans

The shades from the third row are my absolute favorite – such stunning neutrals!



Så fina färger!

OMG jag vill ha denna! Älskar Alice i underlandet 😀 Hur mycket kostade den + frakt? 🙂


Men vilka fina färger & ask, det gillas älskar färg på vår o sommar 🙂 blir glad av det o fjärilar är underbara 🙂 fin lördag


Älsk på den så fin kram Diana


Nice but expensive. Maybe if it goes on sale XOXO


it’s just a super cool packaging, and colors of divine


Vilken cool förpackningen 😀

Tilda Barkselius

Åh vilken cool palett!

Beauty Unearthly

These shades are all lovely!


Vad fint 🙂

Åsa Lindberg
Indie och mainstream.

Mest lästa

Dela med dig av dina tankar!x